Martban's Green Chilly Pickle is a culinary masterpiece that tantalizes the taste buds with its perfect blend of flavors and tanginess. Crafted with utmost care, this pickle is prepared in pure kachi Gani mustard oil, which enhances its authentic and traditional taste. It stands out from other commercial pickles as it is free from any artificial colors and flavors, ensuring a natural and wholesome experience.
Only the choicest of ingredients and spices are used in the making of Martban's Green Chilly Pickle. Each green chili is hand-picked to ensure optimum freshness and quality. The spices are carefully selected to create a harmonious balance of flavors, resulting in a pickle that is rich in aroma and taste.
Unlike many other market options, Martban's Green Chilly Pickle is not a gravy-based pickle. It retains its homemade recipe, which adds to its uniqueness. The absence of a gravy base allows the flavors of the green chilies and spices to shine through, providing a delightful and intense culinary experience.